Linux Kamarada

O programa de código aberto youtube-dl é uma das melhores ferramentas para baixar vídeos do YouTube e de muitos outros serviços de hospedagem de vídeos. Mas a existência desse projeto está sob ameaça agora. A Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) — traduzindo: Associação Americana da Indústria de Gravação — enviou uma queixa ao GitHub...

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The open source project youtube-dl is one of the best tools to download videos from YouTube and many other video hosting websites. But the existence of this project is under threat right now. Recording Industry Association of America, Inc. (RIAA) sent a notice to GitHub against youtube-dl and its forked repositories on 23 Oct 2020....

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The Linux Kamarada Project aims to spread and promote Linux as a robust, secure, versatile and easy to use operating system, suitable for everyday use be at home, at work or on the server. The project focuses mainly on distribution and documentation.


