Linux Kamarada

If you are a developer, you probably already know how an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) makes your life easier. Sure, you can always code the hard way with a text editor and a terminal, but a good IDE speeds up development mainly through features like debugging and code completion. And if you work on multiple...

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The Linux Kamarada Project announces the 15.6 Beta release of the homonym Linux distribution, based on openSUSE Leap 15.6. It is now available for download.

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Do you like listening to radio? You may think that it’s a media that is gradually losing ground to streaming services such as Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, YouTube Music and many others. However, radio is still an important media, especially for entertainment and news. Practically every car has a stereo able to tune in...

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openSUSE Leap 15.6 was released in June, while Linux Kamarada is at 15.5, released in May. As I'm developing the distribution's next release, I'm writing this "Linux Kamarada making of" series, in which I try to share how this development is done.

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Continuing our series of posts about how to make an openSUSE-based distro, today I’ll show you how to create and build an RPM package on the Open Build Service (OBS). Remember that I use the openSUSE Build Service (, which is the free and public OBS reference server. Actually, we already created a package in the...

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Have you just formatted your computer? Changed computers? Migrating from one browser to another? Or from Windows to Linux? Whatever your situation is, you want to take your bookmarks with you. Here are some tips that can help if you use Chrome, the most used browser in the world, or Chromium, its open base.

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How to make a Linux distribution based on openSUSE is a tutorial that I’ve been thinking about doing for some time now. Now that Linux Kamarada has some versions released (15.5 being the current) and another is on the way (15.6) I think I can explain how to do it. I decided to take the...

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We've seen what is a VPN, the Tor Network, and how to use it via the Tor Browser. Since on computers we mostly access websites, the Tor Browser is the best way to get started with the Tor Network on Linux. But you can also tunnel applications using the Tor client proxy. Here's how.

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Have you just formatted your computer? Changed computers? Migrating from one browser to another? Or from Windows to Linux? Whatever your situation is, you want to take your bookmarks with you. Here are some tips that can help you if you use Mozilla Firefox, the default browser for Linux Kamarada 15.5.

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As a reference, I will use the Arduino UNO R3 SMD board, which is the most used and documented board of the whole Arduino family, recommended for those who are getting started with electronics and tinkering with this platform for the first time.

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The Linux Kamarada Project aims to spread and promote Linux as a robust, secure, versatile and easy to use operating system, suitable for everyday use be at home, at work or on the server. The project focuses mainly on distribution and documentation.


