Linux Kamarada

O Projeto Linux Kamarada tem o orgulho de anunciar que está se mudando para o GitLab.Durante os primeiros anos do projeto, o código-fonte e o site foram hospedados no GitHub, e eu sou grato por isso. No entanto, depois da compra do GitHub pela Microsoft — que não tem bom histórico de relacionamento com softwares...

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The Linux Kamarada Project is proud to announce that it is moving to GitLab.During the early years of the project, the source code and the website were hosted on GitHub, for which I am grateful. However, after the acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft — which does not have a good past relationship with free software...

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The Linux Kamarada Project aims to spread and promote Linux as a robust, secure, versatile and easy to use operating system, suitable for everyday use be at home, at work or on the server. The project focuses mainly on distribution and documentation.


